Monday, November 22, 2010

Cupcakes and Leaves

So this is a much belated post, but I felt it worthwhile.  With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, and 2010 coming to a close, I am finding that my much loved blog has been ignored.   I apologize.  I'm not sure if anyone out there actually reads this blog, but for those that do, I am sorry that I have been avoiding you.  Okay, so here goes nothing!

Over a month ago Travis and I visited New York City with two of our best friends Andrew and Jill.

I was so excited to visit during the fall because I have been when it is bitter cold (after Thanksgiving and March) and I have been when it is muggy and sweaty hot (July and August), but I have never been when the weather is actually bearable and lovely.  Such was the case the third week of October.  If you ever get the chance to visit, visit during this time because it is perfect!  50-60 degrees during the day and low 40's at night, absolutely the perfect fall weather.

On top of that, the leaves were starting to change and we were able to experience it in the best of all places for fall foliage, Central Park!

When we arrived around lunch time on Thursday we headed to lunch and then had a great walk down 5th avenue from 44th street all the way to Central Park.  We took pictures in front of the iconic skating rink at Rockefeller Center and made a mandatory stop at much loved Magnolia Bakery at Rockefeller Center.  With multiple cupcakes and lattes in hand we headed straight for Central Park.

Perfection!  Beautiful weather, tasty cupcakes, and friends!  It was a moment that I will think about for years to come.  It was simple but special and exactly what I wanted in the trip.  I suggest you try the same someday!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, Shannon! Brings a little piece of New York City home to us. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
