Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where Should I Go Next?

I am always thinking of my next trip.  I am constantly looking for flight deals and Travis and I are always figuring out just how much money a certain trip will cost.  I am not so good with the budget thing (big surprise) so thankfully Travis can add quickly in his head what things will cost.  With that said, it takes some early planning for a big trip (like to Italy) and we had to make some sacrifices this past year which included less smaller trips during the year.  Here are a few places that we have been thinking about visiting this upcoming year.  Please feel free to offer suggestions if you have visited any of these places!  I would love some advice!

New York City:

New York City is a place that I have visited many times thanks to a pretty consistent girl trip with my mom and sister.  We just got back from this great place in July and had a great time taking in shows and shopping.  More on our girl trip later.  But, Travis has not visited NYC in a while and wants to visit again.  We wanted to go last fall, but decided on the big trip to Italy so we saved our money.  Now, we think we can do it this fall, so I have been looking up some flights and some places to stay and things to do.  We really want to visit in the fall (late October) because I think the weather will be beautiful.  The hardest thing about NYC is that it is really expensive.  A nice hotel in Boston or San Francisco that would cost between $150-250 would cost at least $250-250 a night in New York.  Also, food is really expensive, too.  We would definitely be spending more.  Any suggestions on decent hotels that are under $200? 

Buenos Aires:

 I am lucky enough to have visited quite a few European cities, so I really want to go somewhere different for our next big trip and to me, Buenos Aires fits the bill.  I have never been to South America, and everything I read on this Argentinean city makes me want to visit.  Here is Fodor's list of reasons to visit Buenos Aires and I am particularly excited about #3.  One of the biggest issues with visiting South America is the weather.  The best time for Travis and me to take big trips is during the summer, and in South America it is not summer, but rather winter.  For example, today it is a balmy 52 degrees.  I realize that every country south of the equator is experiencing winter right now, but when it has been over 100 degrees every day for the past two weeks it is hard to imagine wearing a coat in August.  

Okay, now I am getting into trips that if I had endless amounts of money, I would visit in the next year.  

 I have visited Amsterdam but I was only there for a few days and I was in college.  That is all I am going to say about that...

Anyway, I really want to visit Amsterdam and experience the museums (especially the Van Gogh museum) with Travis.  His favorite artist is Van Gogh and I know he would love to see his famous paintings.  Also, I was watching Ocean's Twelve, and the beginning is in Amsterdam and it looks awesome.  Maybe I could plan a trip with George Clooney and Brad Pitt.  It could happen. 

Basque Country, Spain:

 Ever since I saw Anthony Bourdain's episode of Spain on his show "No Reservations" I have been lusting over this area of Spain.  It has all things I love.  The beach, great weather, history, architecture, and great food.  I need to visit this place.  I think this trip alone is a reason that this teacher needs to get paid more.  I'll share pictures, I promise.  I'm just sayin...

Anyway, these are just a few places that I am lusting over.  I know Travis has his own list of places he wants to visit in the near future, too.  If you have any suggestions, feel free to share!  Enjoy!


  1. I am desperately wanting to go to Costa Rica and visit the rainforest and everything that comes along with it. JT and I considered it for our anniversary, but it was a little more than we wanted to spend this year. Because next year will be 5 years and then after that will be 30 (doh!) so we plan on some large trips for those events. That was TMI, I know. ;)

  2. What about Greece? I've always wanted to go there. Dream trip, luxury cruise around the Greek isles (with no sea sickness!).

  3. If we're talking no budget, Australia!
