Wednesday, September 8, 2010


 It has unfortunately been too long since my last post, mainly because I have started school again.  Above is a picture of my desk after four days of school.  You can see why I haven't been posting.

If you haven't guessed or read my profile, I am an English teacher here in Norman, OK.  I teach senior English, which is by far the greatest grade to teach.  (This statement applies to me and me only.  There are some teachers out there who would beg to differ).  The kids are ridiculously sure of themselves and I get to be a part of monumental moments in and outside of the classroom.  As an added bonus, I do not have any testing in my grade, which means that I don't have any added pressures from the state department.  My main goal is to help my kids graduate and learn how to write before they enter college.  The writing part is the toughest part of my job, thus, the crazy, messy desk.

This post is about Norman, and how awesome it can be.  Two Saturdays ago, Travis and I decided to take Toby on a walk and get some coffee at Cafe Plaid and we stumbled upon a street market on Campus Corner called the Dustbowl Arts Market.

It was such a cool little street market, with really neat local clothing and home decorations as well as some great music.

There was one artist in particular, Jacob Abella, who was really great.  He was a strange mix between Rufus Wainwright and Ryan Adams, and Mika.  Check him out on itunes, he has some good songs.  Also, he lives in Norman!  Help support those Norman artists!

Norman also has a great music festival in the spring called the Norman Music Festival that has some great bands and even greater atmosphere.  It is pretty huge, and it located on Main Street.  If you are ever in town during the Music Festival, you should definitely attend! 

These kinds of events are one of my favorite things about Norman.  There is a thriving music and art scene and Normanites really appreciate the local side of Norman.  Needless to say, Travis and I had a great Saturday a few blocks down the street from our house.  We rode our bikes all day, ate local food, listened to local bands, and drank a few local (okay maybe not local) brews.  All in all, it was a great day!

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